30 Jun

I was wondering how to write this post. On Friday (28th June) me and one of my university friends Archie, headed into Birmingham to see Bloc Party. A band that have always been on the periphery of our playlists and listening habits. Archie used to play guitar hero as a child and he remembered playing along to ‘Helicopter’ and I remembered them being on FIFA many moons ago.

I’ve got a few songs on my playlists, and have listened to ‘Silent Alarm’ and ‘A Weekend in the City’ on and off. However we bought tickets to this show. A show that would see the band play ‘Silent Alarm’ in full alongside some greatest hits. 

Walking on stage just after 8:30 they did things in true Bloc Party fashion. They were not going to play the album in order. ‘So Here We Are’ opened the set followed by ‘Like Eating Glass’ 

The show was great because it dipped in and out of the album, allowing the band to play some new stuff. Some hits from other records. It was a great venue to being at the Institute in Birmingham. They was only 1000 or so people.

It was tight and that reflected the band on stage too. This is a very different band to the one that first hit the airwaves in 2004, but they aren’t any less impactful. Me and Archie were both impressed by them. We went in only knowing about a third of the songs, of the 27 they played I don’t think either of us knew more than 10. We’d heard some before but we weren’t singing the words back. 

Yet both of us were still captivated. I was siting wondering what it could be. Was it because it was our first together for a while, was it the beer, was it the venue. Or were the band just brilliant. Maybe it was all four.

The gig ended with the band playing my favourite Bloc Party song, the song this post is named after ‘This Modern Love’ one of the best indie tunes of the noughties in my opinion. Walking out of the gig, we were both very impressed. Neither of us felt short changed, or hard done by. We went in as casual Bloc Party fans. I’m sure we won’t be that for much longer. There’s a whole collection of songs to go and listen to again. 

I guess the point of this review. Is this. Go and buy a ticket, yes you may only know a few songs. You might be surprised. We were. 

In a week where we’d both seen other gigs. I’d see Liam Gallagher the night before. Archie had seen Pearl Jam three days before. Bloc Party was still a brilliant affair.

Thank you for reading. 

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