28 Oct

Royal Blood come to town…

On October 26th we saw Royal Blood for the third time, and the newly refurbished The Halls in Wolverhampton. Having seen the band before, we knew what to expect. However I can say we were pleasantly surprised. I have previously seen the band in much larger arenas, and this 3000 capacity venue offered so much more.

The sound was much more visceral, and a lot louder! Although we weren’t down in the mosh pits and carnage, where we were sat gave us a great view, of both the stage and the chaos down in the stalls.

Onto the band, Mike and Ben put on a great show, with the help of two additional musicians playing keyboards and guitars for a couple of newer tracks. However for the vast majority of the set it was the two of them working together in tandem.

It’s quite astonishing what they can do with just a bass guitar and a drum kit. The songs all sound different and the pacing of the set was perfect. It slowed down when it needed to, and sped up again to always keep the crowd engaged. 

These slower songs really add something to set. It allows Mike to really showcase his singing ability as well as his great songwriting. Royal Blood have really matured into a great live outfit and these new songs are some of the best they’ve recorded. 

Ben too got his moment to shine, with an absolutely epic drum solo, that made the crowd watch in awe. He’s one of the best drummers around at the minute. Somehow he managed to make this epic drum solo look effortless. Oh he even through in some gong bangs for good measure too.

It was a great show, and the band really had the crowd where they wanted them. When Ben jumped into the crowd and opened up the mosh pit, and had a swig on a lads pint, it seemed like a crowning moment. After a difficult year for the band, where they were proclaimed as public enemy number one by Radio One Listeners and Music Journalists alike. It was great to see them put on a brilliant show for their fans.

Royal Blood are always a great band to see live and this was definitely the best time I’ve seen them. I urge people to go and see them next time they tour, and hope they do the festivals again next year. A truly brilliant show.

Royal Blood Played:

Mountains at Midnight 

Come on Over 


Lights Out

Shiner in the Dark

Hook, Line & Sinker


Troubles Coming 


Pull Me Through 

Little Monster

How Did We Get So Dark

Tell Me When It’s To Late 

Loose Change 

Out of the Black



Ten Tonne Skeleton 

Figure it Out 

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