05 Nov

Peace and there Birmingham Return.

‘It’s been too fucking long’ was the call from Harry Kooiser to the Birmingham faithful last night. Although they had played the city a few months ago. This gig was the bands proper return. Both back to the city and back to touring.

After a few years away and losing two members in that time. A return for Peace was always going to be difficult. Yet last night, the fans who had waited for such a long time. Were met with a band on fine form. Backed up by a new machine that fulfilled the role of a drummer. Harry and Sam took to the stage with guitar and bass. Ready to show the world what Peace still had in the tank. Believe me it’s a lot!

It was a show filled with songs new and old. Tracks from the new album ‘Utopia’ were scattered throughout the set, these songs had an extra meaning because this new album could only be accessed by fans who had bought tickets for this tour. It’s hidden behind a password protected website. These songs sound like Peace but Peace in 2023. ‘Good Jeans’ and ‘Happy Cars’ being the two highlights. However all of these new songs were very good, and I am sure ‘Utopia’ will be well received by fans of the band.

The classics really got the crowd going. From opener ‘Bloodshake’ through to ‘1998 (Delicous) which is a breathtaking experience in a live setting. Through to an encore of ‘Follow Baby’ ‘Lovesick’ and ‘World Pleasure’ fans who had seen the band before and those like me who were watching for the first time. Were very impressed. 

A true highlight of the show for me was ‘From Under a Liquid Class’ which saw the band slow things down, and play this gem from their third album about the struggles with mental health they had both experienced. It showcased a vulnerable side to the band. That we don’t always see. It was beautiful.

Seeing Peace in Birmingham had an extra edge to it. They were coming home, and celebrating ten years of the band. Celebrating the songs they had written just down the road. Fans in the room last night had been there from the beginning, some had joined along the journey and for others they had found a new favourite band.

They’re not their band. Peace are ours.

Thank you for reading x

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