So you have made it this far down. First of all well done!
This part of the website is reserved for a few thank you messages. Although I write all of the content myself there is a number of people who have helped along the way. A few who deserve some special thank yous!
So here goes
I'd like to thank:
Dan: My unbelievable graphic designer. Without him the Instagram side of Beyond the Grooves would look nowhere near as professional
Archie Liv and Katie: Three of my university friends, who have been supportive of both me and the page since the very beginning. Who have given me ideas, and constantly been there throughout the whole process
My Mum, Dad and younger sister: Who have facilitated and supported the whole process. From buying me vinyl records, created backdrops, read and helped write posts.
Sean for being one of the first to tell me to run with the idea!!
All those at FP 190 past and present, you all know who you are!
Finally anyone who has ever, read, liked, commented, viewed, or shared any of the content I have ever made it means a lot. Some of you have been there from the beginning and others are just joining the party but you’re all heroes.
Jack x