11 Jun

A comeback that none of us quite expected. When Blur announced that they were playing Wembley Stadium in the Winter of 2022 people were shocked. However they'd done huge reunion shows before. When they announced ‘The Ballad of Darren’ and gave the world ‘The Narcissist’ on the 18th May 2023. It was quite a nice surprise. 

Its the sound of a band taking stock, at everything that's happened. Both together and apart. Taking a look at the world they are living in, and writing about their struggles. Rising into an anthemic chorus, Blur are operating at their very best here. 

Reflecting on the bands career path, with a nod to those they've lost along on the way, and talking about personal struggles they've faced. Blur are comfortable with their place finally at ease with themselves. No longer a band with a point to prove, not even to themselves. 

The unfinished business left over from 2015’s ‘The Magic Whip’ was put to bed. ‘The Narcissist’ was completed with all four of the band in the same room, it sounds like they've never been away. 

In my opinion, it slots right into their catalogue alongside their very best work. Marking the beginning of ‘The Ballad of Darren’ chapter of Blur, it's a fitting way to bring the story to the end. Wrapping up the bands journey into a beautiful piece of music. 

Thank you for reading x 

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