Musical Icons: Queen

Freddie, Brian, John and Roger. Other than John, Paul, George and Ringo. They may be Britain's most well rock n roll four piece. With a career that has spanned decades. Countless hit singles and many brilliant albums. Of course they were always going to make this list.

My dad was the first person to introduce me to Queen, I was a child and they blew me away, I had never heard music like that before. Hearing songs like Bohemian Rhapsody, Hammer to Fall, Friends will Friends etc seemed to have a lasting impact. As I got older I discovered more of the bands discography, and was shocked at not only how brilliant it is, but also just how varied it is. It's sometimes hard to believe that Death on Two Legs and Seaside Rendezvous are by the same band, never mind the same album. 

They are a band I sometimes forget about but I'll always go back to them and remember just how good they are, and just how iconic they are as well. They are a fascinating band with a fascinating but tragic story. I write this post listening to the second greatest hits album, and whilst I was researching I read about Live Aid again which is a story for another post. I looked over the album covers which are nearly as iconic as the albums themselves.  Queen are an important part of my musical upbringing and they had to make the list of musical icons!

Thank you for reading x