Musical Icon: Oasis

Musical Icons

I’m surprised it’s taken me this long to do this post. Today just happens to be the day. (Excuse the pun)

Oasis have been a huge influence on the music I’ve listened to since I was a teenager. In Britain songs like ‘Wonderwall’, ‘Don’t Look Back in Anger’ and ‘Champagne Supernova’ have become ingrained into wider society. I challenge you to find someone who doesn’t know at least some of the words to all three of these songs. They get played at weddings, funerals, house parties, pub jukeboxes, indie discos up and down the country.

However there is so much more to the band, than these three big hitters. Which I found out as a teenager. From 1994 to 1996 Oasis were untouchable. Everything Noel Gallagher wrote was brilliant, the singles, the album tracks (which are so often under appreciated) and finally that collection of B-Sides. The band went from indie obscurity to rock gods in the space of two and a half years. (My degree took longer). After Knebworth in 1996 the band continued to make music, including the sometimes hated album ‘Be Here Now’ its not that bad I promise. After a line up change in the turn of the millennium the band confined to make music up until there split in 2009. Although they may not have reached the dizzy heights of there peak. They still continued to release great music.

Oasis are on this list because there music is brilliant and like The Stone Roses well at least for me they acted as a catalysts. I fell in love with The Beatles, The Smiths, The Jam, Bob Marley, The Bee Gees, Punk and so much more due to the influence of the brothers Gallagher.