Musical Icons: Blur


Blur are a band, that have gone through many iterations and many different sounds. From Baggy, to Kinks like story telling, to heavier darker sounds. They are a band that seemed to enjoy surprising their fans.

I first heard them as a teenager, Song 2 is one of those songs that is ever present and as I got older, I began to hear Parklife and Girls & Boys more and more. Then I began to discover more and more of Blur.

I was drawn to four of their albums in particular. The life trilogy made up of Modern Life is Rubbish, Parklife and The Great Escape, as well as there self titled fourth record. It would be wrong of me to sit hear and come up with some elaborate argument as to why I was drawn to these albums. I was drawn to these albums for one reason. They have the hits on, those universal (excuse the pun) anthems. Some of the best songs of the Britpop era, are on these records. 

Listening to Blur led to explore more about the 90s, Cool Britannia and Britpop. The reason for those albums, and why Blur reinvented their sound so many times. Even teaching me weird and wonderful things, like the British Shipping Forecast.

They are deserving of a place on this list because, the songwriting is brilliant, and they are one of the most important bands to come out of Britain. There music is timeless.

Thank you for reading x