Musical Icon: Royal Blood

2015 The Brit Awards was the first time I heard the Brighton duo. They performed Figure it Out and it blew me away. That was also the year they won Best British Group and it was well deserved.
There music was and still is blistering. I can remember that performance vividly, it was loud brash and exciting. Very different to everything else that night. I needed more. So I delved into their self titled debut and fell in love, it was and still is a brilliant album. It was a rock album but a rock album for the times. Tracks like ‘Out of the Black’ and ‘Little Monster’ became staples of my record collection and songs I still listen to today.
2017 saw the release of ‘How Did We Get So Dark?’ and it was more of the same, not that, that was a bad thing. Their sound was unlike anything else at the time. Added elements including backing vocals and synths were used on this record sporadically. I went to see them tour this record with my dad. We were both blown away, at how good they were live and we still can’t get over how loud they were! They perform as a two. But it sounds like there’s at least four people on stage.
2021, Typhoons. It was an album I’d waited a long time for, it saw the band make a more electronic feeling record. I welcomed this change of direction. I like when artists experiment and I like it even more when they pull it off. The album is still a Royal Blood album but as they did with the previous effort new dimensions and visions have been added and they work brilliantly. 

2022, I saw Royal Blood for a second time, and they blew me away. Typhoons worked brilliantly in an arena environment and the band seemed to have matured into one of the biggest and best live bands in the UK.
From seeing them at the Brits. 6 years ago. Mike Kerr and Ben Thatcher have become one of my favourite artists. I feel as if they are unique, there’s nothing else quite like them and for that reason alone they make my musical icon list. From blowing our socks off to leading us to the dancefloor. They are a truly brilliant band.
Thank you for reading. X