Musical Icon: David Bowie

This next icon. Well is exactly that. An icon. An inspiration to millions of people all over the world and a truly unbelievable musician and person

It’s David Bowie. A man who along with his characters. Ziggy Stardust, The Thin White Duke etc. Has soundtracked millions of people’s lives.

The first time I heard David Bowie I must have been about 10, 11. My dad had introduced me to Queen, don’t worry I’ll be doing a Musical Icon about them too. He played me Under Pressure which is Queen and David Bowie together. And I was amazed at the song at how Freddie and Bowie complimented each other brilliantly. However it would be a few years until I got into him properly. When i was 14 I heard Modern Love on the radio and really liked it, after once again telling my dad about it. He recommended me Let’s Dance and I fell in love with it. It’s a perfect song, a brilliant groovy bass line and melody with a catchy chorus.

On the 10th Of January 2016 David Bowie passed away. Although I wasn’t exactly a huge fan of his at the time. It was such a shock to me and I think the rest of the world. It seemed everywhere I went, it was being talked about. Other musical heroes of mine were talking about his influence on their lives and career. Noel Gallagher, Paul Weller, even through to Blossoms and Declan McKenna cited him as an influence.

So I began to dig deeper. I went back through Bowie’s archives. Listening to Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders From Mars, Aladdin Sane, Hunky Dory, Heroes, Scary Monsters etc. The first thing that struck me with Bowie is how much he changed his side throughout his career. Space Oddity and Let’s Dance are a million miles apart but they are both unbelievable pieces of music in their own right. Although he had some weird periods and tried some stuff that didn’t stand up. Bowie was an unbelievable song writer and often surrounded himself with the best musicians. Mick Ronson, Nile Rodgers etc.

I couldn’t possibly review all of David Bowie’s albums here. I’d be here until I was long in the face. But I honestly I think David Bowie has something that caters for every taste and undeniably has written some of the greatest songs ever. No matter what mood I’m in I can put on a David Bowie song and it will transport me somewhere else.

Heroes is an emotive masterpiece. Which had a poignant meaning of meaning. I heard this song played at the end of a DJ set at the re opening of the Manchester Arena after the terrorist attack and the arena sung it like their lives depended on it. The lines ‘Oh we can beat them, for ever and ever
Then we could be Heroes, just for one day’

Are a poignant brilliant observation of how anyone can do something heroic in their daily lives.

Let’s Dance, yes you guessed it makes me want to Dance. The 70’s Glam and Space side too Bowie may be my favourite persona of his. I think those albums are his best work. A period of peak brilliance for a brilliant song written.

Suffragette City, Moonage Daydream, Oh You Pretty Things, Kooks, Ziggy Stardust, Life on Mars. And many more. For 5 or 6 years the man was untouchable.

To put that into perspective The Beatles only lasted for 7 years x

I’ve heard many people call David Bowie overrated throughout the years and in my opinion they couldn’t be anymore wrong.

At this point I’d state some stand out tracks but there’s too many too choose from

Give him a listen
I promise there will be something you like