24 Dec
Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you

The story of Wonderwall

‘Wonderwall’ was the third single from the second Oasis album ‘What’s the Story Morning Glory’. The song sees Liam take centre stage on vocals around a simple acoustic guitar melody, a rather different sound to anything the band had done to that point. The song reached number 2 in the U.K. charts and has since gone 4 times platinum.

Lyrically the song is a catchy song, perfect for the live environment. With both Gallagher brothers still singing it in there live shows. Noel has described the song as, It's a song about an imaginary friend who's gonna come and save you from yourself.”

Although at the time the song was not well received, time has been very kind! It’s a song that’s ingrained within British society. Your born knowing the words! It’s become a part of life in the U.K. and a song that’s almost universally loved. Played at weddings, funerals, house parties, nightclubs, indie discos, and on pub juke boxes. And let’s be honest if your reading this post it’s definitely on your playlist.

Thank you for reading x
For Noel Gallagher, Liam Gallagher & George Harrison

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