24 Mar
It's Just Bangers

I've written a number of posts, where I've deep-dived into a band. Talked about their history, what they mean to me, why they are important in the musical landscape. This is not one of those posts. 

However I felt should comment on The Vaccines. A band that have been present since 2011, releasing six albums. From 2011’s ‘What Did You Expect from the Vaccines’ through to 2024’s ‘Pick Up Full of Pink Carnations. 

Musically they do not have the same grandiose ideas as Arctic Monkeys, Wolf Alice, The 1975 etc. Nor have they played the large stages of Courteeners, Catfish & the Bottlemen. What they have done however is something very impressive. 

They've released some very very good songs.  Catchy indie gems. Alongside The Wombats I can't name many other bands who have released as many catchy tunes as The Vaccines. From ‘If You Wanna’ to ‘Wetsuit’ ‘I Can’t Quit’ to ‘Headphones Baby’ there has been loads. Each album has at least one.

They sneak into Playlists and become ear worms. Made to be danced to at indie discos, and sung with your mates in a festival field whilst holding a warm flat pint.  

With infectious hooks and relatable lyrics. They don't need to reinvent the wheel, what they do is a skill in its own right. Creating pop songs is hard and The Vaccines have got bucket loads. 

It's not formulaic either, each record has a different theme. ‘Out on the Street’ for example is a completely different sound to ‘Teenage Icon’ and they are both completely different to ‘Back in Love City’

There ever present in the catalogue of British indie bands, they may never make the leap to festival headliners or into arenas. I'm not sure that they care. They seem quite content with making indie gems.

It might be predictable but believe me it works. Even all these years later, the bands latest record has a few more of these pop bangers from ‘Sometiemes I Swear’ to ‘Discount De Kooning (Last One Standing.)

As they said in 2011, What Did You Expect from The Vaccines?

We won't be getting a jazz record anytime soon.

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