06 Dec
His Way Or No Way

How the Arctic Monkeys summed up nightclub culture in 3 minutes.
Going clubbing is a right of passage for most U.K. teenagers. Most wait until 18 to experience it, some do not wait and do everything they can to hit the Dancefloor early.
‘From the Ritz to the Rubble’ is the 12th song on the Arctic Monkeys debut album and sees the band encapsulate a night out in the U.K.
The song talks about all of the characters you can expect to meet on these ill fated adventures. From over protective bouncers, who seem to live for a fight to the girls and guys that everyone seems to know. Brilliantly the song makes these characters universal so that the listener can relay their own experiences through the song.
In the songs chorus. The lyrics
‘I said a thousand million things that I could never say this morning’
Are used. These talk about the power that alcohol and other substances have on us all on nights out. We say and do things that we wouldn’t dream of doing sober, and again it’s something that many of us can relate too.
Using this universal approach, makes the song relatable for even the most casual listener and helps us all paint a visual picture of our gold and bad nights out!
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