06 Dec
Endless time, love

Where We’re Going Gerry Cinnamon 
How he wrote a festival anthem. 
Gerry Cinnamon has become something of a phenomenon in the U.K. He has blown up, and rightfully so he’s done it on the right way, organically without the backing of a record label or a corporation. Just an army of loyal fans, a guitar and two albums full of anthems.
‘Where Were Going’ is from Gerrys second album ‘The Bonny’ and was made for the festival fields, with a big chorus and a perfect bounce along beat. Festival fields, arenas and soon football stadiums will lap this tune up. 
The song was written during a dark time within Gerrys life, where he was in a bad way. However he still had something to hold onto. It reminds us no matter how things get to never stop chasing our dreams. 
He said it best himself “doesn’t matter where you’re at, it’s where you’re going that matters. Put the graft in and better times are inevitable.”
I admire how Gerry writes songs because they work on all levels and his lyrics are often a lot more complex than people give him credit for. 
Thank you for reading x

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