01 Jun
1977: The Silver Jubilee but a Golden Time For Music

After a chat with my friend Archie this week, we got onto the subject of music and we got talking about ‘Electric Light Orchestras’ album ‘Out of the Blue’ and it got us thinking what other albums came out in that year. That year happened to be 1977. 

Well let’s just say there was a few good ones. ‘Fleetwood Mac’ happened to release one of the greatest albums of all time in ‘Rumours’ featuring some of their best selling songs ever including ‘Dreams’ and ‘The Chain. Bowie released not one but two albums in 1977 ‘Heroes’ and ‘Low’ completed his Berlin trilogy and contained some of his best loved work including ‘Heroes’ and ‘Sound & Vision’ 

Peter Gabriel launched his solo career with his self titled debut, with songs like ‘Solsbury Hill’ and ‘Here Comes the Flood.’ One of Britain’s best loved bands ‘The Jam’ released ‘In The City’ in this year too.

Four lads from London, the ‘Sex Pistols’ released one of the most important albums ever made ‘Nevermind the Bollocks’ deserves its own post, the cultural impact of that record is still felt today. 

Across the pond ‘Billy Joel’ released ‘The Stranger’ which featured some of his most loved songs including ‘She's Always a Woman’. 

‘Bob Marley’ also released ‘Exodus’ in this year.

‘Queen’ and ‘Pink Floyd’ both released albums in 1977. For ‘Queen’ ‘News of the World’ spawned two hit songs ‘We Will Rock You & We are the Champions.’ 

‘Animals’ has become a fan favourite amongst Pink Floyd fans often overlooked by the masses though. With many preferring those that came before or after it. However it’s still one of the best albums ever. 

1977 could be argued as the best year for music ever. Every genre, seemed to be catered for. The biggest acts, and bands in the world released music. Whether that be revolutionary records, or crazy pop experiments, or even hit film soundtracks. It all happened in 1977

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