Wolf Alice: Blue Weekend

The latest album from Wolf Alice is next up for review.

Side A opens with ‘The Beach’ a rather atmospheric opening track, the track is centred around Ellie’s beautiful voice and builds into a fitting crescendo. Where all of the members add to the song creating a cinematic and atmospheric climax. A brilliant opener. ‘Delicious Things’ follows on and this is a true highlight of the album, it’s a masterpiece (as is the whole album). The drum beat in this song sets the pace, it plods along. To start with and like many Wolf Alice tracks elements are added, the chorus in this track is a real standpoint, I really think it’s one of Ellie’s best. The song tackles escapism and dreams we all long for. With Ellie yearning for the ‘Hollywood Hills’. If push comes to shove I think this is my favourite on the album. ‘Lipstick on the Glass’ is the next song on Side A, with its acoustic guitar accompaniment. Ellie puts her beautiful voice to work again she really hits the high notes in the verses and then tones it down for a rather subdued chorus. Sonically this song is powerful and beautiful, it’s so atmospheric and it really draws in the listener. ‘Smile’ is the next track and it’s ‘Yuk Foo’s’ little sister a flyer snarling rocker, however Ellie’s voice soars rather than screams. The instrumentation provides the snarl and bite. It’s brilliant. I can’t wait to hear it live. Ending Side A is ‘Safe From Heartbreak (If You Never Fall in Love)’ where Ellie sings about those lovers who’ve left and passed by the way side. Those who make life exciting but who also play with your emotions. It’s a simple melody and Ellie’s voice becomes the main instrument with Joff’s picking as a brilliant accompaniment.

Side B opens with ‘How Can I Make it Ok?’ another atmospheric track, with a killer chorus. This song will become a fan favourite and a live staple I’m sure, it builds from a simple melody into a complex intricate masterpiece where Theo, Joel, Joff and Ellie work in perfect harmony. We are dragged into the mosh pit on the next track ‘Play the Greatest Hits’ it’s a rock stomper unlike any of the other tracks on the album. It’s electrifying with a bassline being the cornerstone of the track it snarls and growls and Ellie’s voice has to try and keep up. She definitely does. Another catchy chorus is present here too and will be perfect in the live environment. An amazing track. The band lose themselves for a while and it’s perfect. ‘Feeling Myself’ follows and it sees Ellie tackle the subject of Self-Love lyrically this song is a true highlight, the words are written so well and it makes for an heartfelt listen. ‘The Last Man on the Earth’ is the next song on Side B, a piano based ballad it’s a brilliant concept for a song about how we find deeper meanings is almost everything, it’s a natural thing for everyone to do. The song highlights our egotistical nature of doing this and then makes is associate meanings with the lyrics themselves. It’s genius. ‘No Hard Feelings’ is the penultimate track a song about heartbreak and those involved, another true lyrical highlight. Centred around a brilliant guitar riff, Ellie sings passionately about the rather sensitive subject. A beautiful song. The album ends with ‘The Beach II’ with Ellie relaxing on the beach with her friends it makes for a perfect ending of a ‘Blue Weekend’ the sun kissed melody transports us somewhere and provides a sense of hope for us all combing guitars and synths to capture the magic. It’s the perfect end.

For Ellie, Joff, Theo and JoelOh and all of you ‘Lost Souls at the Bar’
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