Red Rum Club: The Hollow of Humdrum

The second album from the Liverpool band is next up for review…
Side A opens with ‘The Elevation’ a drum and trumpet heavy track with a big powerful chorus and catchy rhyming couplets throughout the verses. It creates the perfect singalong opener. ‘Kids Addicted’ is the next song on the record, another trumpet heavy track. The trumpet has become a staple of Red Rum Club’s sound. ‘Kids Addicted’ has become one of the bands most popular songs and a favourite live, the singalong chorus and pulsating drum beat mean that it’s the perfect live track and a standout on the record. ‘Vivo’ is the third track, which has a fast paced vocal and a synth line as the main hook, once again the verses have brilliant rhymes, another staple of Red Rum Clubs sound. Another catchy indie pop song. ‘Ballerino’ is the penultimate track on Side A one of my favourites on the record and again another live staple. This is the track with the handclaps which add an extra element to the track. They act as a gear change into the chorus. A song that wants people to move on mass to the Dancefloor! ‘Favourite Record’ ends Side A this song slows things down, with an acoustic guitar and soothing vocals, which are placed centre stage. A brilliant change of pace. 
‘Eleanor’ opens Side B, the song that made me fall in love with the band, you cannot help but sing along with it. The first time I heard this song was live when the band supported Circa Waves, after the first verse and chorus I was hooked and was singing along. The hook and lyrics are simple yet effective, an absolute anthem. ‘Dorado’ follows on from ‘Eleanor’ it’s almost film soundtrack like in sound, with Fran’s voice being put at centre stage again, with the trumpet providing a perfect backing track. ‘Girl is a Gun’ is the next song on Side B another upbeat track with a groovy drum beat and clever rhyming lyrics. One of the most underrated tracks on the record and in the bands discography. It’s got a unique sound and brilliant lyrics. ‘Brando’ slows things down again, with Fran sounding like 2013 Alex Turner, once again with a film soundtrack backing band. Fitting given the songs title. ‘Holy Horses’ ends the album which sounds very samba, it makes you want to dance. The drums and brass are the centre pieces again and it creates a powerful sound. Almost like a World Cup song for a long lost South American World Cup! It’s brilliant and the perfect end to the album. 
It’s a brilliant record, perfect to put on and forget about things. It’s catchy, groovy and infectious. You will feel happier after blasting this record!