Pink Floyd: Wish You Were Here

Pink Floyd: Wish You Were Here
Side A opens with ‘Shine On You Crazy Diamond Pts 1-5’ a 13 and a half minute masterpiece, about the bands former lead singer Syd Barrett. The song is split up into parts, part 1 has no lyrics at all instead it focuses on an organ and guitar part to create an haunting atmosphere. Part 2 again has no lyrics being played in C Minor and featuring a guitar solo by David Gilmour. Part 3 adds Nick Masons drums and a Minimoog solo. Finally in Part 4 Roger Waters sings his lyrics. Ending the song is a saxaphone solo and a machine like hum which introduces the next track. ‘Welcome to the Machine. It’s a true masterpiece and true show of just how important all of the band members were. Lyrically the song is a tribute to Syd, and his unique personality and what a fitting tribute it is. The song is well loved amongst fans of the band. ‘Welcome to the Machine’ ends Side A another psychedelic masterpiece, with synths dotted throughout, a 12 string acoustic guitar is used as well to create a unique sound. Lyrically the song tackles Waters feelings on the music industry. He felt as if he was being betrayed and the industry was more obsessed with greed and success rather than good music. It’s a brilliant song and one of the bands most understated pieces of music. 

Side B begins with ‘Have a Cigar’ another song about the music business and those in charge, the song features the lyric ‘Which ones Pink’. The band were often asked in questions which one them was called Pink, as record executives thought that was one of their names. Waters himself has said he thinks of the track as a follow up to ‘Money’ from ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ and it’s easy to see why sonically at least they sound similar and the lyrical subject, have common ground. Following on from this track is ‘Wish You Were Here’ It’s an acoustic ballad, about the bands former front man Syd Barrett who left the band in 1968 after suffering with both his mental and physical health. As well as being about Syd the song highlights how we as individuals go through our lives with a sort of detached feeling and how sometimes we feel the need to widthdraw from our surroundings or people. In order to cope better. This song is one of my favourite by the band, it’s so simple yet very poignant. Ending the album is ‘Shine On You Crazy Diamond Pts 6-9’ the song begins with the howling wind from ‘Wish You Were Here’ before two basslines come in played by Waters and Gilmour before guitars are added, layering the track. Wright then adds synthesiser lines before the guitar solo from Part 4 is replayed. Part 7 is where the lyrics are sung with Waters again singing and the rest of the band providing backing vocals. Part 8 features another guitar solo but it is Wrights keyboards that dominate this section of the song featuring both synths and an electric piano to create the haunting feel of the song. Part 9 or sometimes called ‘The Funeral March’ is the final part of the song and is described as an eulogy to Syd. This part also features another Pink Floyd song the keyboard sound of ‘See Emily Play’ is played as a tribute to Syd. Once again Wrights keyboards are the prominent instrument in Part 9. A brilliant end to a brilliant album. 5 beautiful and very unique pieces of music, written and performed by a band at their very peak. 
Thank you for reading Shine on You Crazy Diamonds x