Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds: Back the Way we Came (Vol.1)

Side A opens with ‘Everybody’s on the Run’ a brilliant opener and one of the first tracks Noel wrote as a solo artist. Even though it’s a decade old it’s still as atmospheric and powerful as it was when it was released. A true classic. The acoustic brilliance of ‘The Death of You and Me’ is next the first single ever released by the High Flying Birds, it’s a very 60s sounding track and really slows things down. Noel has gone on record saying that this is one of his favourite solo tunes as it shows him moving away from Oasis. ‘AKA What A Life’ is the third track on Side A and this was a sonic leap forward, I still think it’s one of Noel’s best songs. The drums pulsate and the tempo of the track is unlike anything he’d ever done before. The piano arrangement is actually from a dance track. (Strings of Life). A huge leap forward and without this track, who knows what Noels career would have become. ‘If I Had A Gun’ is the penultimate track on Side A, and is a beautiful soulful love song, written as Noel Gallagher does, it’s become a fan favourite and a live staple. ‘In the Heat of the Moment ends Side A, the first track from Chasing Yesterday on the album. A classic single with a sing along chorus and a great solo.

Side B opens with ‘Riverman’ a psychedelic take on Noels work complete with saxaphone solos. Noel has said himself that this track is one of his best. I’d have to agree. ‘Lock All the Doors’ is the next track a true live classic. It’s such a stomper of a tune. ‘The Dying of the Light’ is another piece of acoustic brilliance, a simple melody that lets the lyrics do the talking. Ending Side B is ‘Ballad of the Mighty I’ another one of Noels best. It saw him create more expansive music. It’s a lot more experimental and Johnny Marr plays guitar on it! What more can I say. 1/2

Side C opens with one of the new tracks ‘We’re On Our Way Now’ it’s a look back at Noels classic sound. The vocal is actually a guide vocal which Noel couldn’t recreate. Therefore it’s perfect but also flawed. One of 2021’s best songs. ‘Black Star Dancing’ is next and this is a huge leap from the previous track. It’s a lot more grooved based. A David Bowie bass riff and the rest is history. It’s disco and it’s funk. It’s definitely brilliant. ‘Holy Mountain’ is next and this track shocked fans, it’s very different. I was in the camp that loved it. I still think it’s a classic pop song. ‘A Dream is All I Need to Get By’ is the next track, it’s another acoustic track  written in between a Soundcheck and a gig. It kind of reminds me of The Smiths a little bit. A classic.  ‘This is the Place’ ends Side C another stomper, this time more dance orientated with a catchy chorus. A future live classic.

Side D begins with ‘It’s A Beautiful World’ another from ‘Who Built the Moon’ it’s a very different track. With french spoken word. That album saw Noel take experimentation to the next level and this track was a standout song. ‘Blue Moon Rising’ follows and it’s one of my favourite Noel songs ever. The beat is upbeat, and the chorus catchy. It’s a indie dance track with a Kate Bush middle section and it’s brilliant. ‘Dead in the Water’ is the albums penultimate track. It’s the track Noel recorded in Ireland and forgot about. The recording is live and it’s pure emotion. Just Noel a guitar and a piano accompaniment. Perfection. ‘Flying on the Ground’ ends the album another new track a track Noel used to sing in warm ups, he was urged to record it. The backing singers add an almost Motown feel. A look to the future. Who knows