Haim: Women in Music III

Side A opens with ‘Los Angeles’ a song about the bands hometown, it’s such a brilliant pop song with all sisters working in perfect harmony. Danielles voice is the centrepiece of this track and the listener empathises with her feelings. ‘The Steps’ is the next track an absolute stomper it’s classic Haim. Beautiful guitar pop, the band wrote the track to be a live staple and take a song back to the bare bones. ‘I Know Alone’ is the third track on Side A this song tackles Danielle’s depression and bouts of loneliness, is written over an almost garage beat which is quite a juxtaposition. However this juxtaposition creates one of the best tracks on the album. ‘Up From A Dream’ is the final track on Side A another classic pop song, with a crunching bassline and it’s life affirming lyrics. A true classic. 

Side B opens with my favourite track ‘Gasoline’ it’s very 70s West Coast feeling with its sound and vocal delivery and I love it. ‘3AM’ is next and this song has a very different feeling it’s almost R&B like in sound, with sound affects and extra vocals. It’s brilliant though. Haim aren’t afraid to mix up styles. ‘Don’t Wanna’ is next and it’s a style change again another pop stomper. With a military like drum beat as the centre piece. With each sister playing their part on vocals. Creating a powerful wall of sound with a sing along chorus. ‘Another Try’ ends Side B a more soulful track about relationships, with mellow vocals highlight the sisters soulful voices. A perfect end to Side B

Side C opens with the acoustic ‘Leaning On You’ following on from the mellow ‘Another Try’ it really slows things down, and highlights the bands vocal ability again, the simple melody is just an accompaniment to the brilliant lyrics. ‘I’ve Been Down’ is next another slow pop song, with a great bass line and hand claps, adding layers to the track. The repeating nature of the chorus highlights the importance of the lyric, and the backing vocal create an extra element for the listener to listen to. ‘Man From the Magazine’ is the next track. A short ballad about misogyny within the music business, it’s a beautiful song, and highlights a real problem. Ending Side C is ‘All That Ever Mattered’ another stomper, with powerful drums and a bass riff straight from the 80s. The band have said they wrote this track multiple times before they were happy with it. I have to say the final version is brilliant.

Side D opens with ‘FUBT’ a heavier rock track with a powerful riff. As it’s centrepiece. It’s a soft rock masterpiece, with quite menacing lyrics. ‘Summer Girls’ sees the band doing there best ‘Lou Reed’ rendition it’s very like ‘Walk on the Wild Side’ with Danielle returning home from tour to be with her boyfriend. It’s another of the bands classics. ‘Now I’m In It’ is the penultimate track. This track has a classic singalong chorus and powerful drums. Along with its jittering bassline, all of these elements make for a brilliant track. ‘Hallelujah’ ends the album and it’s a poignant end with all sisters singing a verse, it’s a track that highlights their struggles and shows their love for each other. It’s beautiful. And it brings a modern classic to an end.  

Thank you for reading x