Gerry Cinnamon: The Bonny

‘Canter’ opens Side A, and hits the listener in the face. This track was an arena and festival ready anthem before the album had even come out and therefore it makes for the perfect opener. ‘War Song Soldier’ is a more sombre affair and slows things down a lot from the opening track. However it allows Gerry to showcase his lyrical ability alongside his harmonica playing. ‘Where We Going’ is another gear change up. It’s one of my favourite tracks on the record it’s a fast paced anthem that’s perfect on vinyl just as it’s perfect in arenas. ‘Head in the Clouds’ tackles Gerry’s battle with insomnia and contains some very unique rhyming lyrics. ‘Dark Days’ is a stomper of a track with some powerful drums and a catchy chorus almost like a bigger brother to ‘Lullaby’ from the debut album. Ending Side A is ‘The Bonny’ my favourite track on the album, a beautiful song about the trials and tribulations of life. I think this song has some of the best lyrics Gerry has ever written, and it truly stands out in his discography.

Side B opens with another single ‘Sun Queen’ another one of Gerry’s catchy tracks with clever rhymes and a big chorus. Not particularly complex but still very powerful. ‘Outsiders’ is next and this is the stereotypical Gerry song. It’s not particularly special but it’s a welcome addition on the record. ‘Roll the Credits’ follows and it’s another of my favourites it showcases brilliant lyrics both in the verses and chorus. It tells us that there’s not always a happy ending. ‘Mayhem’ is probably the heaviest track on the record, with easily the biggest chorus. It’s easy to see why this track makes the record. It’s perfect for a Gerry Cinnamon gig. Live this song is absolutely unbelievable. ‘Six String Gun’ is the penultimate track which is a short track about Gerry and his guitar, where I believe he’s having a sly dig at the industry he’s in. ‘Every Mans Truth’ ends the record. Another song with clever lyrics and brilliant rhymes. A slow track that calms things down and brings a brilliant album to a close.