Coldplay: A Rush of Blood to the Head

Side A opens with ‘Politik’ the drums of Will Champion and Chris Martins ferocious piano playing art cornerstones of this track, and it highlights a departure from the acoustic sound found on Parachutes. It’s the perfect way to open the album, with an important message behind the lyrics. It also saw the rebirth of Coldplay and the start of their journey. ‘In My Place’ is the next track and it also features powerful drum beats as well as intricate electric guitar work. It was also the albums lead single, and features songwriting credits from all of the band members. This song has become one of the bands most well loved and a live staple. It still stands up today nearly twenty years on. A brilliant pop song. ‘God Put a Smile Upon Your Face’ is the next track on Side A.  The band has said they wanted this track to have a bounce and energy. They wanted something that would sound good in a live environment. It definitely does, with a swagger and a catchy chorus. In fact the album version in my opinion doesn’t fully do the track justice. The penultimate track on Side A is ‘The Scientist’ a beautiful ballad about the perils of love and relationship it’s one of the best things Chris Martin has ever written and a true fan favourite. ‘Clocks’ is the final track on Side A, it’s my favourite song on the album and might even be my favourite Coldplay song, the piano riff is instantly recognisable and the lyrics memorable. It’s a true album highlight. 

Side B begins with ‘Daylight’ a more eastern influenced track. The lyrics in this track are up for interpretation, we aren’t sure exactly what Chris Martin is singing about. It’s different from everything else on the album and makes for interesting listening. ‘Green Eyes’ is the next track on Side B an acoustic number, a love song about a girl Chris Martin had met before Gwenyth Paltrow. It’s a simple song but an effective way of portraying his feelings. It wouldn’t sound out of place on Parachutes, it’s a nod to the past. ‘Warning Sign’ is the next track an underrated masterpiece in the bands discography, it showcases Chris Martins vocal ability brilliantly. The riff is also amazing and matches the lyrics perfectly. It’s a song about the ending of a relationship between two people and how they missed the vital signs it was coming to an end. ‘A Whisper’ follows it’s a faster paced song than the previous efforts with piano playing and drumming being the centre pieces of the track. It makes for an interesting listen especially with the whispered vocals. ‘A Rush of Blood To the Head’ is the penultimate track. Another acoustic ballad, which builds as each member joins the track, the lyrics are simple yet poignant and rhyme perfectly. From a simple acoustic guitar start the song builds into a crescendo with all members taking centre stage at different points. ‘Amsterdam’ ends the album another piano led track which rather sad and poignant lyrics. It’s a perfect way to the end the album, acting as almost like the final credits bringing the show to a close